
Welcome to ConFuzzled 2025 Registration

ConFuzzled 2025 is now completely sold out.

Registration is closed for all ticket types (Residential, non-residential and Day Tickets). We hope to see you at a future CFz.

Before you begin

If you're confused about any part of the registration process or what you'll need in order to attend the convention, take a look at the FAQ.

Please remember that by completing this Registration Process, you'll be entering a legally binding contract with us, ConFuzzled UK Ltd.
All attendees must comply with our Code of Conduct and Conditions of Sale. Additionally, by registering for ConFuzzled you must agree to the Registration Terms and Conditions. Not following the rules will forfeit your registration, so make sure you have read and understood it.

Finally, we'd like you to be aware that all personal information entered in to our system will be kept confidential in accordance with the Data Protection Act. You can view full details in our Privacy Policy.


For 2025, you can choose to pay online as soon as you have been approved, at any HSBC branch or via bank transfer.

Over the Counter at any HSBC branch or Bank Transfer

If you are outside the UK or are unable to use online payment, you can send us the money via bank transfer, IBAN payment or by paying in at your local HSBC branch.

If neither of these will do, you can contact the registration team for assistance.

Do not register if you cannot currently afford to pay for it.
Registrations which have not been paid for are subject to cancellation if we have not received payment within the stated time period.

Problems and Support

Something the matter? If you need any help, please e-mail our Registration Team:
E-mail Registration